Friday 15 June 2012

Legal in Every Country!!

Well it has been awhile since my last Blog, but thought after an amazing weekend and a special event, It needed its own blog.

So on Monday, I turned 21! YAY! I have always LOVED my Birthday, so there was no doubt I was very excited for this one! And for the 2nd year in a row, I was able to celebrate it in London and have a Summer Birthday, which is still quite exciting for me!

So my Birthday celebrations started on Sunday! Cesca, Lucy, Jodie, Harriet, Em and I went to Picollino's for Dinner which was DELICIOUS! Was sung Happy Birthday too by all the Italian Waiters which with their enthusiasm was hilarious!!

We then went on to a Gig by the lovely Suzie, Miranda and Tori, but of course we were there to support Suzie! :)  All 3 girls performed amazingly, some really great songs performed as Solo's and their Trio's were fabulous! Highlights of the night would be 'Taylor the Latte Boy', sung by Suzie and her hilarious Scottish Accent! I also really enjoyed 'Alone' by Suzie and 'Dance With Somebody' by the 3 girls. Follow the video below of 'Taylor the Latte Boy' to see more video's from the night.

But one of my favorite moments of the night, was when We Meet Again (Suzie and Paul) came on and performed for the first time in over a year. I used to love going to their gigs, as they are both so talented! Anyyywayyy, I had been saying to the girls for the last week how I was hoping they would do their Original Song 'Goodbye and Smile'. It's an amazing song , one of my favorites, and will always have a special place in my heart for a particular reason. So when they came on and said they would be performing that, I was a happy bunny!! What I wasn't ready for was 'This song is dedicated to Britney'. I was so chuffed!! Trying not to cry, I loved it and they performed it beautifully!!

It was truly an amazing night, spent with amazing people!!

Then it was Monday, the actual day! I woke up and trotted to work for a few hours, was spoilt with lovely presents and a delicious looking cake! 

Was then taken away by Jodie and Cesca and we went for a delicious breakfast in Chiswick! Was joined by Em, Harriet and Lucy as we all enjoyed a delicious Froyo (Free for the Birthday girl, they love us there!) I wasnt sure what was happening for the rest of the Day, the girls had planned out the Day! So i was taken on a bus to the destination, ended up and BINGO! Had a right old laugh, so much fun!! We even won some money, with Em scoring £50!! Not too bad! The Bingo man was so lovely, he gave me a huge cuddly bear for my birthday! 

We then went on to our next destination which was another surprise. To help me from Guessing, I was blindfolded on the tube and had Earphones in so I couldn't hear what stop or line we were on! It was a lot of fun, a lot of trust involved. Quite fun being blindfolded on the tube, It came up to a bit in the song I was listening too and I had to start singing along. Little did I know the girls walked to the other end of the tube and left me on my own! 

After wondering through London, we ended up at The Theatre Royal Drury Lane, where Shrek is currently performing for a backstage tour! It was awesome to see what the backstage of a theatre looks like, learn the history and have a quick peek at some of the dressing rooms and make up rooms! The tour guide were actors and made it enjoyable, so it wasn't a boring tour at all! It was a great experience!

We then ventured back to Chiswick for a yummy meal with some of the girls from Church at Pizza Express!! It was great fun catching up with everyone.

I had such a fun day and was so lucky that the girls were able to spend it with me! :) We had so many good laughs and lots of memories to last a lifetime! 

Here's to being 21!

Britney. xxx