Monday 30 April 2012

Paris:Take 4

Another weekend in Paris done! :) Only this time it was with friends(Harriet, Lucy and Cesca) rather than Family. We had been planning this a few months, so have had time to chat about what we were going to do and get excited about it! :)

We set out on Friday night on an overnight Coach journey! We stopped for a while to wait for the train, we enjoyed a chill time in the playground, watched a bit of Legally Blonde then jumped back on the bus! We had some rude people in front who kept telling us to be quiet, and us being us found it quite hilarious! *ERGHHH* But after getting sucked into a shell as Cesca described it, we were in France! We arrived a few hours late, but all was ok and went straight to the Eiffel Tower. We were very lucky to have booked tickets for this, as we skipped the massive queue to get in! When we got to the front, we asked a lady at the front how long she had been waiting and she said over 2 hours, so we felt great! :) So up we climbed to the second floor and had a great view of Paris! It was a bit foggy, but was still an amazing View!

We then made our way to the Seine River Cruise via the Carousel, which was great fun! Then on the Cruise we were sat up the top. We each enjoyed a delicious Crepe and a cup of French coffee, much to the disgust of Cesca and Lucy. When we were near the end of the cruise it started to rain slightly, so everyone moved downstairs, but we decided to stay up top with our umbrellas and have the top to ourselves! :)

We then headed to the Arch de Triumph, which was very nice. Very busy roundabout, so scary! We took a walk down the Champs de Elysees which was lovely, and had a look in Sephora, make-up and beauty shop. 

We then went to the Lourve, had a look around, had a quick look at the Mona Lisa which was crowded with people. We then decided it was time for Dinner, so went up to the food court in the Lourve. There were so many different interesting Cuisines to choose from, but i thought I would go for the safe option, and went for McDonalds! :)

We then headed back to the Coach station, to start the journey home! We were fortunate enough to get the front seat with a bit more legroom and the opportunity to put our legs up on the railing, although it hurt after a while. We then made our way back, stopping in a car park for nearly 3 hours to wait for the Ferry, but was able to sleep for a bit, then finally made it back on English soil!

It was a great weekend, with lots of laughter, memories and 'quotes' that I will remember for a long time!

Here are some Photos and our Video Diary of the Weekend! :) Enjoy!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Vacances à Paris

Bonjour à tous.

I have just returned from a lovely last minute holiday to Paris with Mum, Dad, Kerry and Stuart. It was a very rushed visit, but a lot of fun! We arrived in the late hours of Saturday night to a beautiful apartment. Was absolutely gorgeous! The weather was absolutely freezing the whole time, I really wasnt prepared for it, thought it would have been a bit nice, but no...verrryyyyy windy!!!

Sunday was a tourist filled day, seeing the Lourve, Eiffel Tower (Didnt climb though), Arc de Triumph, Shopped down the beautiful Champs Elysees and even bumped into a girl I went to school with, was so random but a very lovely Surprise!! We also did a River Cruise and a nighttime bus tour, which was amazing to see Paris by night. 

Monday was a lot of fun, spent the Day at Disneyland Paris. I love the big scary rides, so was great to go on all of them with Stu! My favourite was definitely Space Mountain, very fast, upside down, drops and all in the Dark. Was also amazing to see the Special '20 Years' Firework display! So cleverly put together with amazing bright colours and Disney songs, I really felt like a little kid again!

Tuesday was the day to say farewell to Paris and to my Parents for another 8 months! Was lovely to do a little bit of Paris shopping with Mum before the train journey back to lovely London!! :)

It was amazing to be able to see my parents again and to spend time with them in Paris! :D

Looking forward to going back to Paris again next week with the Girls for a lot of laughter!! :)

Hope all is well.

Britney. xxx

Wednesday 4 April 2012

A lovely Reunion.

So as most of you would know, my Parents have come to London for a lovely visit! :D It's been great catching up with them! Also been great to catch up with some family friends, the lovely Fosters, Kerry and Stuart.

We have done so much walking, its been exhausting! We've done most of the touristy sights in about 3 days including Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Traf Square, Harrods, Piccadilly Circus, Bike Ride through Hyde Park with Dad, The Eye and much more. We had a hop on/hop off pass for two days which I hadn't actually done yet, so was nice to go from East London to West London and actually see everything instead of being underground on the tube! :)

Also went along to We Will Rock You on Monday night. I love the show and hoped the others would too, and of course they did. I think because they grew up with Queen, they knew most of the songs! I was also very excited at the fact that we had the U/S Meat who i had been dying to see for a while, and she didnt fail to dissapoint! Much love for Lauren Varnham! Just gonna put her out there...listen to this amazing version of her singing 'No-one But You'. Ah-Maz-Ing!

So Tuesday we did a Cruise down to Greenwich and looked around the markets, then walked up to the 'International Date Line'. They were gonna charge us £7 to see the actual line, but we found a secret gate which we could go in and still have our photo for free! :) Brilliant! Then the girls for a walk around Harrods, although i passed and went and sat in a Coffee Shop, Harrods is too Touristy for me! ;)

So it was back to work today, back to reality! Looking forward to seeing them again tomorrow night (Thursday) for a mini 21st, although my birthday isnt until June, but as they won't be here for it, they want to celebrate while they are here! :)

Well off for now.

Britney. xxx