Wednesday 4 April 2012

A lovely Reunion.

So as most of you would know, my Parents have come to London for a lovely visit! :D It's been great catching up with them! Also been great to catch up with some family friends, the lovely Fosters, Kerry and Stuart.

We have done so much walking, its been exhausting! We've done most of the touristy sights in about 3 days including Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Traf Square, Harrods, Piccadilly Circus, Bike Ride through Hyde Park with Dad, The Eye and much more. We had a hop on/hop off pass for two days which I hadn't actually done yet, so was nice to go from East London to West London and actually see everything instead of being underground on the tube! :)

Also went along to We Will Rock You on Monday night. I love the show and hoped the others would too, and of course they did. I think because they grew up with Queen, they knew most of the songs! I was also very excited at the fact that we had the U/S Meat who i had been dying to see for a while, and she didnt fail to dissapoint! Much love for Lauren Varnham! Just gonna put her out there...listen to this amazing version of her singing 'No-one But You'. Ah-Maz-Ing!

So Tuesday we did a Cruise down to Greenwich and looked around the markets, then walked up to the 'International Date Line'. They were gonna charge us £7 to see the actual line, but we found a secret gate which we could go in and still have our photo for free! :) Brilliant! Then the girls for a walk around Harrods, although i passed and went and sat in a Coffee Shop, Harrods is too Touristy for me! ;)

So it was back to work today, back to reality! Looking forward to seeing them again tomorrow night (Thursday) for a mini 21st, although my birthday isnt until June, but as they won't be here for it, they want to celebrate while they are here! :)

Well off for now.

Britney. xxx

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fab! I really need to set aside some time in my next London trip to be a tourist!
