Friday 15 June 2012

Legal in Every Country!!

Well it has been awhile since my last Blog, but thought after an amazing weekend and a special event, It needed its own blog.

So on Monday, I turned 21! YAY! I have always LOVED my Birthday, so there was no doubt I was very excited for this one! And for the 2nd year in a row, I was able to celebrate it in London and have a Summer Birthday, which is still quite exciting for me!

So my Birthday celebrations started on Sunday! Cesca, Lucy, Jodie, Harriet, Em and I went to Picollino's for Dinner which was DELICIOUS! Was sung Happy Birthday too by all the Italian Waiters which with their enthusiasm was hilarious!!

We then went on to a Gig by the lovely Suzie, Miranda and Tori, but of course we were there to support Suzie! :)  All 3 girls performed amazingly, some really great songs performed as Solo's and their Trio's were fabulous! Highlights of the night would be 'Taylor the Latte Boy', sung by Suzie and her hilarious Scottish Accent! I also really enjoyed 'Alone' by Suzie and 'Dance With Somebody' by the 3 girls. Follow the video below of 'Taylor the Latte Boy' to see more video's from the night.

But one of my favorite moments of the night, was when We Meet Again (Suzie and Paul) came on and performed for the first time in over a year. I used to love going to their gigs, as they are both so talented! Anyyywayyy, I had been saying to the girls for the last week how I was hoping they would do their Original Song 'Goodbye and Smile'. It's an amazing song , one of my favorites, and will always have a special place in my heart for a particular reason. So when they came on and said they would be performing that, I was a happy bunny!! What I wasn't ready for was 'This song is dedicated to Britney'. I was so chuffed!! Trying not to cry, I loved it and they performed it beautifully!!

It was truly an amazing night, spent with amazing people!!

Then it was Monday, the actual day! I woke up and trotted to work for a few hours, was spoilt with lovely presents and a delicious looking cake! 

Was then taken away by Jodie and Cesca and we went for a delicious breakfast in Chiswick! Was joined by Em, Harriet and Lucy as we all enjoyed a delicious Froyo (Free for the Birthday girl, they love us there!) I wasnt sure what was happening for the rest of the Day, the girls had planned out the Day! So i was taken on a bus to the destination, ended up and BINGO! Had a right old laugh, so much fun!! We even won some money, with Em scoring £50!! Not too bad! The Bingo man was so lovely, he gave me a huge cuddly bear for my birthday! 

We then went on to our next destination which was another surprise. To help me from Guessing, I was blindfolded on the tube and had Earphones in so I couldn't hear what stop or line we were on! It was a lot of fun, a lot of trust involved. Quite fun being blindfolded on the tube, It came up to a bit in the song I was listening too and I had to start singing along. Little did I know the girls walked to the other end of the tube and left me on my own! 

After wondering through London, we ended up at The Theatre Royal Drury Lane, where Shrek is currently performing for a backstage tour! It was awesome to see what the backstage of a theatre looks like, learn the history and have a quick peek at some of the dressing rooms and make up rooms! The tour guide were actors and made it enjoyable, so it wasn't a boring tour at all! It was a great experience!

We then ventured back to Chiswick for a yummy meal with some of the girls from Church at Pizza Express!! It was great fun catching up with everyone.

I had such a fun day and was so lucky that the girls were able to spend it with me! :) We had so many good laughs and lots of memories to last a lifetime! 

Here's to being 21!

Britney. xxx

Monday 30 April 2012

Paris:Take 4

Another weekend in Paris done! :) Only this time it was with friends(Harriet, Lucy and Cesca) rather than Family. We had been planning this a few months, so have had time to chat about what we were going to do and get excited about it! :)

We set out on Friday night on an overnight Coach journey! We stopped for a while to wait for the train, we enjoyed a chill time in the playground, watched a bit of Legally Blonde then jumped back on the bus! We had some rude people in front who kept telling us to be quiet, and us being us found it quite hilarious! *ERGHHH* But after getting sucked into a shell as Cesca described it, we were in France! We arrived a few hours late, but all was ok and went straight to the Eiffel Tower. We were very lucky to have booked tickets for this, as we skipped the massive queue to get in! When we got to the front, we asked a lady at the front how long she had been waiting and she said over 2 hours, so we felt great! :) So up we climbed to the second floor and had a great view of Paris! It was a bit foggy, but was still an amazing View!

We then made our way to the Seine River Cruise via the Carousel, which was great fun! Then on the Cruise we were sat up the top. We each enjoyed a delicious Crepe and a cup of French coffee, much to the disgust of Cesca and Lucy. When we were near the end of the cruise it started to rain slightly, so everyone moved downstairs, but we decided to stay up top with our umbrellas and have the top to ourselves! :)

We then headed to the Arch de Triumph, which was very nice. Very busy roundabout, so scary! We took a walk down the Champs de Elysees which was lovely, and had a look in Sephora, make-up and beauty shop. 

We then went to the Lourve, had a look around, had a quick look at the Mona Lisa which was crowded with people. We then decided it was time for Dinner, so went up to the food court in the Lourve. There were so many different interesting Cuisines to choose from, but i thought I would go for the safe option, and went for McDonalds! :)

We then headed back to the Coach station, to start the journey home! We were fortunate enough to get the front seat with a bit more legroom and the opportunity to put our legs up on the railing, although it hurt after a while. We then made our way back, stopping in a car park for nearly 3 hours to wait for the Ferry, but was able to sleep for a bit, then finally made it back on English soil!

It was a great weekend, with lots of laughter, memories and 'quotes' that I will remember for a long time!

Here are some Photos and our Video Diary of the Weekend! :) Enjoy!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Vacances à Paris

Bonjour à tous.

I have just returned from a lovely last minute holiday to Paris with Mum, Dad, Kerry and Stuart. It was a very rushed visit, but a lot of fun! We arrived in the late hours of Saturday night to a beautiful apartment. Was absolutely gorgeous! The weather was absolutely freezing the whole time, I really wasnt prepared for it, thought it would have been a bit nice, but no...verrryyyyy windy!!!

Sunday was a tourist filled day, seeing the Lourve, Eiffel Tower (Didnt climb though), Arc de Triumph, Shopped down the beautiful Champs Elysees and even bumped into a girl I went to school with, was so random but a very lovely Surprise!! We also did a River Cruise and a nighttime bus tour, which was amazing to see Paris by night. 

Monday was a lot of fun, spent the Day at Disneyland Paris. I love the big scary rides, so was great to go on all of them with Stu! My favourite was definitely Space Mountain, very fast, upside down, drops and all in the Dark. Was also amazing to see the Special '20 Years' Firework display! So cleverly put together with amazing bright colours and Disney songs, I really felt like a little kid again!

Tuesday was the day to say farewell to Paris and to my Parents for another 8 months! Was lovely to do a little bit of Paris shopping with Mum before the train journey back to lovely London!! :)

It was amazing to be able to see my parents again and to spend time with them in Paris! :D

Looking forward to going back to Paris again next week with the Girls for a lot of laughter!! :)

Hope all is well.

Britney. xxx

Wednesday 4 April 2012

A lovely Reunion.

So as most of you would know, my Parents have come to London for a lovely visit! :D It's been great catching up with them! Also been great to catch up with some family friends, the lovely Fosters, Kerry and Stuart.

We have done so much walking, its been exhausting! We've done most of the touristy sights in about 3 days including Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Traf Square, Harrods, Piccadilly Circus, Bike Ride through Hyde Park with Dad, The Eye and much more. We had a hop on/hop off pass for two days which I hadn't actually done yet, so was nice to go from East London to West London and actually see everything instead of being underground on the tube! :)

Also went along to We Will Rock You on Monday night. I love the show and hoped the others would too, and of course they did. I think because they grew up with Queen, they knew most of the songs! I was also very excited at the fact that we had the U/S Meat who i had been dying to see for a while, and she didnt fail to dissapoint! Much love for Lauren Varnham! Just gonna put her out there...listen to this amazing version of her singing 'No-one But You'. Ah-Maz-Ing!

So Tuesday we did a Cruise down to Greenwich and looked around the markets, then walked up to the 'International Date Line'. They were gonna charge us £7 to see the actual line, but we found a secret gate which we could go in and still have our photo for free! :) Brilliant! Then the girls for a walk around Harrods, although i passed and went and sat in a Coffee Shop, Harrods is too Touristy for me! ;)

So it was back to work today, back to reality! Looking forward to seeing them again tomorrow night (Thursday) for a mini 21st, although my birthday isnt until June, but as they won't be here for it, they want to celebrate while they are here! :)

Well off for now.

Britney. xxx

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Pizza, Pizza and more Pizza! :D

Had the absolute privilege of spending the night with some pretty great people. The 'Elk Pastorate' took over Pizza Express in Fulham Broadway for a night full of laughter and food. It was so lovely chatting to everyone, getting the know them all better!

The night consisted of Jamie and Scott 'Speed Dating' with Jamie having 14 Chihuahua's each with their own bathroom and Plasma screens, with Scott having 3 dogs with no plasmas and his parents have forgotten he is over here. Very brilliant acting from both! :) Also convinced Scott, who is American that we had never heard of the word 'Pee', Grace screaming 'I Love You' to Aaron on the phone and silencing the whole Restaurant, then continued to eat beautiful pizza. and chat more which is always good!! :)

Feeling very blessed to have been so warmly welcomed into a group of such lovely people!

Britney. xxx

Sunday 25 March 2012

Students Weekend away

Wow. Wow. Wow. Where on Earth do I begin? I have just returned from one of the most amazing weekends of my life! The students (18 to about 25 year olds) from HTB Church went for a weekend away in the Country side. It was so nice to escape from everything that was happening in London and the noise, I didn't hear one Siren, which was amazing! :) It was also so nice to be in such a loving environment, everyone constantly smiling at you and having fun, there was no drama, catiness, cliques, I felt so comfortable to go up to anyone and start a conversation, which was so lovely! Everyone really is one big family!

So we arrived on Friday night and went straight into worship (we arrived a little bit late) and had Pat speak to us, which was incredibly encouraging. We were then shown to our rooms, which were actually other Students rooms from the campus we were staying at, which was very nice of them to use! :) 7 of us then proceeded to play a game of Pictionary, Boys against Girls. It was a very close game all the way through, then it came to the girls chance to win the game, and of course, the boys kept cheating, saying 'We said the word at the same time, Oops i drew the wrong word..TWICE', but of course, the girls won.

Saturday morning came, up bright and early at 6:30 for a nice morning walk with some of the guys, was nice to get to know different people and learn about their journeys! The countryside is absolutely stunning in the morning with the sun rising, absolutely gorgeous! On the Saturday, we were lucky enough to have Ian Dyble, he was so encouraging, talking about the 'Sword of the Spirit' and how to really look into scriptures and get the most out of them. We all enjoyed the Sun and had a game of Frisbee, which ended in my head getting hit, but was all ok! :) We then went and had lunch, and was set the challenge of having lunch with someone you didnt know. I met Juliane who was also a Nanny from Germany. It was great to talk to her and get to know her better! In the afternoon we had 'Wide Games' which was a great fun outdoor game which included running, screaming, stealing treasure and attacking other teams, great fun! Blue team was clearly the best team, just not everyone agreed! ;) We also had a Quiz after dinner and a game of 'Bring Me' which ended up in the guys pushing and shoving, trying to run around the site trying to find particular items such as a blue toothbrush, toilet cleaner and a decent sized log. Unfortunately we didn't win, but had a great time trying!

Then came Sunday, the day we had to leave! Cant believe the weekend was over so quickly! Enjoyed a lovely chilled couple of hours with our Pastorates this morning, sharing what we enjoyed about the weekend and what we hope to get out of the next term. Lets just say I am excited. I am so blessed to be in a Pastorate with such amazing people, cannot wait to do life with them all! Also looking forward to our (hopefully) fortnightly dinner catch ups, Socials and just getting to know everyone better!! We then had the amazing Sarah talk to us. Seriously inspired by this woman. She is amazing! Then is was time for a delicious Roast Lunch and time to head back to busy London.

The tube ride was absolutely amazing. Tom decided it was be great idea to play 'Tube Olympics' which included what started with 2 of them, ended in about 6 or 7, running out of the train every time it stopped and proceeded to do push ups and running back onto the train before the door closes, upping the number they do by 2 by each station. By the last station they were doing 22 pushups If you know the Tube, you know that Drivers really do not care what is happening, after about 30 seconds of opening the door, the close them, even if people are running to get on. We must have had a really nice driver, as he didnt close the doors until the last person was on the train. It was hilarious to see the people on the platforms reaction and taking photos! Was definitely a high light!

So overall, had an absolutely fabulous weekend!! Every time we came to worship, i kept having this song on my Heart. It's one of my favourite songs, It's called 'With All I Am'. Have a listen, It's really encouraged me this weekend, even though as a group we didnt actually sing it, it kept coming back to me.

Anyway, must go to bed, haven't had much sleep this weekend!!

Blessings to you all!!

Britney. xxx

Thursday 22 March 2012

Being sick is never fun!

Well blog number 2, here we go.

London was beautiful and sunny today, think it must have reached at least 15 Degrees! I know what all you Aussies are saying, 15 degrees..that's absolutely freezing! But trust me, if it gets to that temperature here, everyone is out in their flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt trying to get a bit of a tan. It's nice being able to start wearing t-shirts and not having to worry about layering up!! I always used to love my Winter wardrobe...tights, coats, hats, but now I can't wait for it to be Summer to start wearing my Summer wardrobe! :) But it was lovely to go out and have a beautiful picnic with some friends and the kids they look after. Nice to enjoy the sunshine while it last's.

Most of you know that I nanny 2 little kiddies, well Mr 3YO has been off Nursery this week with the flu, and of course after all the bogie wiping, sneezes, coughing in my face, I have now caught the cold. Not fun at all. Body is so achy, voice like a man, coughing like Wheezie from 'Toy Story' and banging head ache. But its all the joys of working with Children I suppose! ;) Fingers crossed it won't stick around for long! :)

Well I'm very pumped for this weekend, going away with the Students from my Church, approx 150 of us taking over a train shall be quite entertaining!! Looking forward to getting to know everyone better!

Also very excited to be seeing my parentals next week, after 210 days apart, I'm very much looking forward to seeing them both again, and being able to show off the beautiful city I live in. Also excited to show them my favourite parts of London, and where I often chill! :) Although it is going to be hard to decide who to hug first, so I've told them that I am going to stand still and whoever reaches me first gets the first hug!! ;)

Allrighty well I am going to try and put this head to rest, in desperate need of a good nights sleep, I have been on weekend trips before and I know you never get much sleep!

Till next time, Have a good weekend!!

Britney. xxx