Thursday 22 March 2012

Being sick is never fun!

Well blog number 2, here we go.

London was beautiful and sunny today, think it must have reached at least 15 Degrees! I know what all you Aussies are saying, 15 degrees..that's absolutely freezing! But trust me, if it gets to that temperature here, everyone is out in their flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt trying to get a bit of a tan. It's nice being able to start wearing t-shirts and not having to worry about layering up!! I always used to love my Winter wardrobe...tights, coats, hats, but now I can't wait for it to be Summer to start wearing my Summer wardrobe! :) But it was lovely to go out and have a beautiful picnic with some friends and the kids they look after. Nice to enjoy the sunshine while it last's.

Most of you know that I nanny 2 little kiddies, well Mr 3YO has been off Nursery this week with the flu, and of course after all the bogie wiping, sneezes, coughing in my face, I have now caught the cold. Not fun at all. Body is so achy, voice like a man, coughing like Wheezie from 'Toy Story' and banging head ache. But its all the joys of working with Children I suppose! ;) Fingers crossed it won't stick around for long! :)

Well I'm very pumped for this weekend, going away with the Students from my Church, approx 150 of us taking over a train shall be quite entertaining!! Looking forward to getting to know everyone better!

Also very excited to be seeing my parentals next week, after 210 days apart, I'm very much looking forward to seeing them both again, and being able to show off the beautiful city I live in. Also excited to show them my favourite parts of London, and where I often chill! :) Although it is going to be hard to decide who to hug first, so I've told them that I am going to stand still and whoever reaches me first gets the first hug!! ;)

Allrighty well I am going to try and put this head to rest, in desperate need of a good nights sleep, I have been on weekend trips before and I know you never get much sleep!

Till next time, Have a good weekend!!

Britney. xxx

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