Sunday 25 March 2012

Students Weekend away

Wow. Wow. Wow. Where on Earth do I begin? I have just returned from one of the most amazing weekends of my life! The students (18 to about 25 year olds) from HTB Church went for a weekend away in the Country side. It was so nice to escape from everything that was happening in London and the noise, I didn't hear one Siren, which was amazing! :) It was also so nice to be in such a loving environment, everyone constantly smiling at you and having fun, there was no drama, catiness, cliques, I felt so comfortable to go up to anyone and start a conversation, which was so lovely! Everyone really is one big family!

So we arrived on Friday night and went straight into worship (we arrived a little bit late) and had Pat speak to us, which was incredibly encouraging. We were then shown to our rooms, which were actually other Students rooms from the campus we were staying at, which was very nice of them to use! :) 7 of us then proceeded to play a game of Pictionary, Boys against Girls. It was a very close game all the way through, then it came to the girls chance to win the game, and of course, the boys kept cheating, saying 'We said the word at the same time, Oops i drew the wrong word..TWICE', but of course, the girls won.

Saturday morning came, up bright and early at 6:30 for a nice morning walk with some of the guys, was nice to get to know different people and learn about their journeys! The countryside is absolutely stunning in the morning with the sun rising, absolutely gorgeous! On the Saturday, we were lucky enough to have Ian Dyble, he was so encouraging, talking about the 'Sword of the Spirit' and how to really look into scriptures and get the most out of them. We all enjoyed the Sun and had a game of Frisbee, which ended in my head getting hit, but was all ok! :) We then went and had lunch, and was set the challenge of having lunch with someone you didnt know. I met Juliane who was also a Nanny from Germany. It was great to talk to her and get to know her better! In the afternoon we had 'Wide Games' which was a great fun outdoor game which included running, screaming, stealing treasure and attacking other teams, great fun! Blue team was clearly the best team, just not everyone agreed! ;) We also had a Quiz after dinner and a game of 'Bring Me' which ended up in the guys pushing and shoving, trying to run around the site trying to find particular items such as a blue toothbrush, toilet cleaner and a decent sized log. Unfortunately we didn't win, but had a great time trying!

Then came Sunday, the day we had to leave! Cant believe the weekend was over so quickly! Enjoyed a lovely chilled couple of hours with our Pastorates this morning, sharing what we enjoyed about the weekend and what we hope to get out of the next term. Lets just say I am excited. I am so blessed to be in a Pastorate with such amazing people, cannot wait to do life with them all! Also looking forward to our (hopefully) fortnightly dinner catch ups, Socials and just getting to know everyone better!! We then had the amazing Sarah talk to us. Seriously inspired by this woman. She is amazing! Then is was time for a delicious Roast Lunch and time to head back to busy London.

The tube ride was absolutely amazing. Tom decided it was be great idea to play 'Tube Olympics' which included what started with 2 of them, ended in about 6 or 7, running out of the train every time it stopped and proceeded to do push ups and running back onto the train before the door closes, upping the number they do by 2 by each station. By the last station they were doing 22 pushups If you know the Tube, you know that Drivers really do not care what is happening, after about 30 seconds of opening the door, the close them, even if people are running to get on. We must have had a really nice driver, as he didnt close the doors until the last person was on the train. It was hilarious to see the people on the platforms reaction and taking photos! Was definitely a high light!

So overall, had an absolutely fabulous weekend!! Every time we came to worship, i kept having this song on my Heart. It's one of my favourite songs, It's called 'With All I Am'. Have a listen, It's really encouraged me this weekend, even though as a group we didnt actually sing it, it kept coming back to me.

Anyway, must go to bed, haven't had much sleep this weekend!!

Blessings to you all!!

Britney. xxx

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